Revolutionizing State-of-the-art 3D-photography to Improve The Evaluation of Pediatric Cranial Reconstructions

Montefiore Einstein’s experts are one of the first in the nation to advance the standard of care for cranial reconstructions, improving the correction of cranial deformities in children and guiding parents on surgical outcomes.

Montefiore Einstein’s experts are among the first in the nation using a mobile app to better understand and quantify dimensional and volumetric cranial changes before, during and after surgery for children who have cranial deformities, improving on the subjectivity of interpreting volume and dimension from 2D pictures to more accurate and objective 3D images. 

We are using this 3D photographic imaging technology in real time, in and out of the operating room, to gauge differences in head structures and cranial volume for perioperative evaluation including surgical planning, with both clinical and research applications. The possibilities are endless and even include the potential to use large data sets, machine learning, and AI to inform and improve outcomes. Our proof-of-concept work can ultimately revolutionize the standard of care for cranial deformities in children and further inform and guide parents and children regarding the outcomes of surgery and how the corrections progress over time. 


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At Montefiore Einstein Neurosurgery, we know providing patients with the best possible care includes teamwork and trust. We work closely with our valued referring physicians to ensure open communication and reliable expertise.

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Emad Eskandar MD, MBA,
David B. Keidan Professor and Chair of Neurological Surgery

Montefiore Einstein Neurological Surgery