Montefiore Einstein Nephrology

Last year was one of both great challenges and success for Montefiore Einstein Nephrology. Most notably, our division pioneered innovative ways to provide lifesaving clinical care for thousands of patients with COVID-19 and kidney disease. Additionally, our faculty and trainees published high-impact articles that improved care for kidney patients with COVID-19 throughout the world. 


2020 by the numbers

Illustration of man walking up rising bar graph


Inpatient visits


Outpatient visits


Kidney transplants


Externally funded research projects

Research Review

Improving care and outcomes through research

Over the course of 2020, our department published on a wide variety of topics, including acute kidney injury among hospitalized adults, COVID-19 infection among transplant recipients and peritoneal dialysis in patients with COVID-19 and acute kidney injury.

Clinical Trials

Advancing care through clinical trials

The Division of Nephrology Faculty are leading numerous clinical studies that hold great promise to improve treatment options for persons living with kidney disease.

Peer Mentorship to Improve Outcomes in Patients on Maintenance Hemodialysis

Ladan Golestaneh, MD, and Michal Melamed, MD

Can We Predict the Future: Calcium Deposits in Blood Vessels?

Wei Chen, MD

Transformative Research in Diabetic Nephropathy (TRIDENT)

Michael J. Ross, MD

Anemia Treatment in Kidney Disease

Matthew K. Abramowitz, MD

Improving Physical Function in Kidney Disease

Matthew K. Abramowitz, MD


Updates and additions to our world-renowned faculty

Maryanne Y. Sourial, MD

Co-director, Montefiore Einstein Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease Program
Assistant Professor, Medicine

Patient referrals

At Montefiore Einstein Nephrology, we know that providing patients with the best possible care includes teamwork and trust. We work closely with our valued referring physicians to ensure open communication and reliable expertise.

Contact us

Michael J. Ross, MD
Chief, Division of Nephrology

Division of Nephrology