Montefiore Einstein's Innovative Approach to Youth Mental Health Highlighted in EINSTEIN Magazine
The Winter/Spring 2023 issue of EINSTEIN magazine sheds light on "Healing Child & Teen Mental Health" and showcases the groundbreaking work of the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science faculty at Montefiore Einstein. Their innovative initiatives include integrating arts into clinical settings, investigating adolescent depression's neurocircuitry, imparting essential coping skills to both parents and children and employing digital bibliotherapy to address the psychological impact of racism.
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At Montefiore Einstein Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, we know that providing patients with the best possible care includes teamwork and trust. We work closely with our valued referring physicians to ensure open communication and reliable expertise.
Contact us
Tina Bonanno
Executive Assistant, Chair’s Office
Jonathan E. Alpert, MD, PhD
Chair, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Montefiore Einstein Psychiatry Associates