Advancing Care

Montefiore Einstein Thoracic and Lung Surgery is setting new standards for excellence, with expanded clinical care, significant research contributions, remarkable growth and impressive outcomes.
An illustration of people in front a chart


of our lung cancer operations are minimally invasive.


of our lung cancer operations are "lung sparing"


in New York State to perform a liver-lung transplant


highest survival rate in New York City while waiting for a lung transplant*

  • Significant growth in our signature lung cancer surgery program, in which therapeutic lung cancer resections have steadily grown each year and in 2022 exceeded 2019 numbers by 160%. 

  • Remarkable growth in our outpatient thoracic surgery oncology practice, with 1,301 MECCC visits in 2022 (compared to 474 in 2021 and just 248 in 2019).  This parallels an increase in total outpatient visits to 1,916 in 2022 (compared to 837 in 2021 and 691 in 2019).

  • Increased median monthly referrals from 133/month in Q1 2021 to 348/month in Q3 2022.

  • Decreased median time from referral to CT appointment from 86 days in the first quarter of 2021 to 27 days in quarter 3 of 2022.

  • Changes led to 1,628 LCS CT scans (a record for Montefiore Einstein) performed in 2022, compared to 943 in 2021 and 879 in 2019.

  • 96% of lung cancer surgeries met Commission on Cancer standards for oncological quality.

Cast your vote

Polls on Doximity close soon. We hope you’ll consider nominating Montefiore Einstein Thoracic Surgery for the U.S. News & World Report Best Hospitals survey.

Contact us

To refer a patient, please call our Comprehensive Lung Program hotline 718-920-LUNG (5864)

Greene Medical Arts Pavilion
3400 Bainbridge Avenue
5th Floor 
Bronx, NY 10467

*SRTR Patient Survival Report, January 2024